It was a red tinted glass fish. It was about a foot and a half long. There was also a green fish that was smaller. My roommate decided they had to go on the table next to me. The one I was working on. One time I knocked them off. The red fish broke off his fin. The fin that was weight bearing and he sat upon. The roommate was mad and said the fish was irreplaceable. I felt guilty.
So then the fish was put away. I tried several times to glue it with epoxy and superglue. It would always break apart. The last time, I said the fish was fixed, and my roommate believed in me too much. He put it on his bedstand and it fell right away. Luckily it didn’t break any more.
So then my roommate moved out, I thought, I really want to get this fish fixed so I am not the loser he says I am. So I called a place in Chicago that said they can fix him. They said they used “hextal” So I looked it up it was Hxtal and you could get it from certain distributers. So I got it. It came with 3 pages of instructions. You had to mix it 3 to 1 A to B. So I got a very accurate scale that could measure really minutely to a 100th of a gram or more.
And I also got a glass jar and a glass stirring rod. I set the fish on his operating table and I mixed the glue and put it in the glass jar and stirred with the stirring rod. Then I got a glass dropper and put some drops on the broken part where the fin came off and also on the fin itself. Then I got some tape and I taped the fin on the fish. Really strong tape because it would take a week to dry. So after a week, I looked at it and it was like the glue leaked out and there were crevices. So this time I mixed the glue but waited several hours for it to get really thick, then I applied it. I also used acetone to wipe off the excess glue mess. After a while it was ready to be upright and I was nervous about how that would go, but it stayed upright and the joint did not fail.
So then my roommate picked it up. I noticed there was a big glob near the other fin. That is where all the excess glue dripped out! The fish is in his room now and it’s upright.